Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Starting Week 2

It's been a lot of fun seeing people begin to work on their blogs. For some people, it worked easily; for others, it is taking more time and effort. Still, I think that it will be worth the effort. Our group discussion on Nicenet gives people a closed circle of friends/colleagues who are reading their ideas. This is great for our class discussions. The blogs, however, are something different. Creating a blog is sharing with the world (if you've set the blog to be visible to everyone). It is authorship in a very different way from a post in a discussion board. It provides a "real" audience of anyone, not just the captive audience of a classroom group.

The global reach of blogs is also a caution. I've reminded the teachers not to put their email in any blog post unless they want a lot of junk mail. We've also talked about how much of one's profile to share, if any. Not sharing a profile allows for much more personal privacy, though it's also possible to be selective in what is shared publicly. Setting one's blog so that it is not listed in Blogger or searched by search engines also increases privacy. If you are not linked to something that the search "bots" know about, then your blog won't be found.

Week 1 got us going - I'm looking forward to where we go next, with Week 2.



  1. Dear Deborah,

    I love how your blog is organized, I still have a lot to learn to make my blog look great.

    Thanks for your encouraging comments on my blog, they really warm my heart and makes me want to do even better.

    Thanks lots,



  2. Dear Deborah,
    I want to thank you because you gave us very very important and new information also you make u to shear our teaching experience with each other.
    That is right we are shearing idea and methods with others also it is free and unlimited, I myself learned to exchange idea through e-mail and very personal but now I am shearing with every one and that's very nice.
    Thank you

