Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Getting ready

I'm looking forward to this term's Building Teaching Skills course. Unlike in summer, when most of the teachers weren't in class, this term they will be able to try some of the techniques and tools with their students. I think it will be much easier to see what works this way, as well as what needs to be adapted.

We'll see how it goes!


  1. Dear Deborah ,

    Thank you very very much for your great efforts to make things easier .

    Another thank for your nice comments in our blogs . I have been reading your reflections to learn more . With you , I'm sure things will be easier and easier too .

    best regards ,

    yours ,

  2. Hello Dear Deborah,
    I am so glad to be here, writing to my great teacher... I want to say a very big THANK YOU.. Really I am feeling so happy to join this course and I am sure that it will increase my experience. Hope to be up to your expectations.
    Thank you.
